Depressed humans can have a poor view of motivation. They fail to see or recognize opportunities that might help them recover from depression. Because they cannot identify or perceive such opportunities, depressed humans are unable to use their motivation effectively. When they try, their attempts at improvement are often thwarted by minor obstacles or by their own refusal to recognize a need that could better their condition. Many people who become depressed become very rigid in their thinking and pessimistic about life. Their self-defeating behavior is reinforced by their negative perspective on life. In short, the depressed human creates his or her own pessimistic world in which no positive changes can occur. A depressed human does not think rationally; instead, they reflect on life in terms of loss and despair. This only leads to more hopelessness and even deeper depression. Help Them Perceive Potential To become motivated again, a depressed person has to perceive a potential which...
This is the tale of life. Let's make it as unique as we are, as amazing as we are!