The story of failure begins with the individual. Whether they consciously think of it or not, everyone has a story to tell. If you find yourself asking "What is your story of failure?" Theory of Failure One of the most essential parts of your story of failure will have to do with how you feel about your life at this moment. You can't fail at anything you do if you don't feel proud of who you are and what you have accomplished. If you find yourself doubting your own talents, then that is a story of failure that you must share with someone who can hear your story. The more people you tell this story to, the more they will be inspired to view success in a whole new light. Tell Your Story of Failure When you are telling your story of failure, remember that your actions directly impact the story. For example, if you find yourself doubting your abilities, that impacts on how other people see you and how they treat you. By thinking negatively, you may be denying opportunitie...
This is the tale of life. Let's make it as unique as we are, as amazing as we are!