The liver detoxification process in humans has two stages, an active and a passive process. In this process the liver produces bile to break down fats that have accumulated in the body and the kidneys cleanse the blood to eliminate any toxic materials that were not removed during the active stage. The passive process may be assisted by more advanced systems such as the N-acetyl-d Glucosamine complex, which is used to restore low levels of glucose in the blood.
Active Stage Process
Liver detoxification in the active stage is normally assisted by vitamin C, which helps to break down harmful chemicals in the body. However, if you do not take enough vitamin C you may also need to supplement your diet with vitamin C to achieve the same results. A common name for vitamin C is Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C). Other common foods that contain vitamin C are oranges, green peppers and fruit juices, just to name a few.
Liver detoxification in the active stage involves a series of chemical steps. This starts by breaking down the fats in the liver to help get rid of the toxins. These toxins can include alcohol, prescription drugs and heavy metals such as lead. Many people believe that this type of detoxification helps to clear the body of poisons, but research indicates that there is no medical evidence to support this claim.
Passive Stage Process
For the passive phase 1 of liver detoxification, a combination of water-soluble vitamins and minerals is used to increase the efficiency with which bile is produced and to clean the blood. Some research indicates that it may be important to increase the amount of estrogen that the liver produces. There is some evidence that estrogen may help to reduce the absorption of toxins by encouraging its production. A natural source of estrogen is diet.
Antioxidant Foods
Foods that are especially helpful in liver detoxification include those that are rich in antioxidants. The antioxidants may prevent damage that could be caused by free radicals. Free radicals are created in the liver as a by-product of the metabolism of fats. In addition, many foods contain vitamin C, which is an antioxidant as well as an antioxidant.
Foods that are good to use in the passive or resting phase of liver detoxification are foods that are rich in potassium. Potassium helps to keep the kidneys healthy. An adequate intake of potassium is essential for kidney health. There are a number of foods that are excellent sources of potassium. Legumes, fresh fruits, tomatoes, potatoes and eggplant are all rich in potassium.
In addition to using a liver detoxification product to assist with cleansing the body, it is also important to use healthy eating habits that will help to lose weight. By eating more fiber and fluids and reducing your intake of fatty and fried foods you can help to eliminate toxins from your body. By making healthy food choices you can feel confident that your digestive system will be working at its optimum level. When your digestive system is functioning at its peak level, it will be able to remove harmful toxins and retain water in your intestines, which is instrumental in helping to maintain normal and balanced intestinal function.
The Bottom Line
To obtain the most benefits from cleansing your liver, you should cleanse using an all natural herbal system of detoxes and juices that will provide you with the specific benefits that you desire. These supplements will not only assist with cleansing, they will also provide the vitamins and nutrients you need to maintain a healthy immune system and strong physical body. In addition to using a high quality organic colon cleanser that will provide you with the colon cleansers and other products that you need to detoxify your body, you can also benefit from using an organic juice cleanser or vitamin pomade that will provide you with additional health benefits.