The story of failure begins with the individual. Whether they consciously think of it or not, everyone has a story to tell. If you find yourself asking "What is your story of failure?"
Theory of Failure
One of the most essential parts of your story of failure will have to do with how you feel about your life at this moment. You can't fail at anything you do if you don't feel proud of who you are and what you have accomplished. If you find yourself doubting your own talents, then that is a story of failure that you must share with someone who can hear your story. The more people you tell this story to, the more they will be inspired to view success in a whole new light.
Tell Your Story of Failure
When you are telling your story of failure, remember that your actions directly impact the story. For example, if you find yourself doubting your abilities, that impacts on how other people see you and how they treat you. By thinking negatively, you may be denying opportunities to reach success. Instead, embrace all your abilities and share your story with anyone who is open to the information. When you are positive and looking at success from a different perspective, people will be much more likely to listen to you and take your advice.
Overcome the Fear Factor
One of the best parts of having a story of failure to share is the fear factor. Failure makes us fear failure. It doesn't matter what situation we find ourselves in. Whether it's about an intimate relationship or a new business venture, the human condition calls for us to be afraid. This fear can paralyze us and prevent us from pursuing our dreams, but it doesn't have to.
By sharing your story of failure, you may find that you are no longer fearful. You might become excited about pursuing your new goals. People who have experienced failure can tell exciting stories about turning a new leaf or overcoming a major challenge. You might just find that you have a new lease on life.
How Your Story of Failure will Impact Others?
Once you have decided to tell your story of failure, it is imperative that you select a story that is relevant to your story. The audience you choose should be interested in hearing about your story as well. It should be entertaining and inspiring, but also real. Your audience can't imagine a story of failure without experiencing that failure. Selecting a story of failure that others can relate to will increase the impact of your story.
Don't be discouraged if you don't immediately succeed with one story of failure. There will be many new stories of failures and many more opportunities to pursue your dreams. The key is to keep plugging away and remember that even the worst days are far away. Good things come to those who wait.
Remember that you have the power to overcome your story of failure and move forward into your new stories of success. You have the power to look at your past experiences and discover what you can do differently next time, or perhaps even what you did wrong the first time around. When you accept your past failures and then make amends, you become a much better person. By sharing your story of failure, you not only become relatable to others, but you also open up a whole new world filled with opportunities and possibilities for you and your loved ones.
Your story of failure does not need to be told in only one place. Share it with as many people as you can. Keep your story in mind when you are talking to friends and family members and asking them to lend you their support. If you have an important upcoming appointment, share it with everyone. There are no rules that say you have to do this in person, but sharing that story is more powerful and memorable than a written note.
As you share your story of failure, you will also want to write new stories about overcoming the fear, uncertainty and stress of each experience. Each time you can look back and see how your story of failure has shaped your life. You may not feel like telling your story anymore. You may want to just keep your new stories to yourself, but as you read your old stories and think about your failures, you will be inspired to write new stories of success.
Remember, there are two sides to a story
the good side and the bad side. If you are able to balance those two, you will be able to tell stories of success. You can overcome your fear and learn from the past, but you first have to get past your failure.