We all love the idea of having a long, healthy and happy life, but we also have to accept aging and its accompanying aging effects. Accepting aging is an important first step in making a plan for how to handle it. The good news is that aging can be delayed significantly with proper nutrition, exercise and preventive measures. The next key step is accepting that aging will happen and how it will affect us. The third important step in making a plan for aging and changes in life is creating a positive plan to cope with it.
Tip 1 - Get Older with Grace
The first step is to get older, and the second is to get older with grace, not with fear. When we accept that we will get older, we also get better at coping with it by creating new friends and accomplishing the tasks in life we want to achieve. The fear of aging is what makes us feel older and therefore makes us want to stay younger. A friend might be someone we have known for years, someone we see on television or in the movies, someone that we can always lean on when we are feeling low.
Tip 2 - Be Gregarious
If we can develop a close friendship with someone close to us, we can then embrace aging with them by embracing our differences as well as our similarities. It is okay to have different hobbies, beliefs, opinions, ideas, etc. We need to do this because it keeps us from becoming homogeneous, which can lead to a lot of friction and conflict within the family, and it keeps us grounded. Also, if we can find common ground, we can then discuss issues and concerns with each other without the fear of either of us coming off as a Know it All (TM). When we can share common ground, we become more approachable and the bonds between us strengthen.
Tip 3 - Expose Yourself to More Learning
Another way we can embrace aging gracefully is to actually become younger while we age. Yes, we do have to slow down and do things differently as we age, but we can also learn new things as we become younger. For example, learning to dance again as you are aging or learning how to golf again as you get older is another great way we can remain active and keep the fun in our lives. Just think about it, you will not only look younger, but you will also feel younger as well.
Tip 4 - Enjoy Present Life
We can embrace aging gracefully is to simply enjoy our life while we are still young. Yes, many of us feel like we are too old to do things the way we did when we were younger. However, if we can learn to enjoy the journey of life while we are still young, we can then enjoy life even more when we are older. Yes, aging is a natural part of life that all of us have to go through. But, what a great time to do it!
As we get older, we can also enjoy some of the things that we once did, but now the tasks seem harder or the joys that we once felt are gone. Some people even blame getting older for what they are feeling less than what they used to. However, by embracing aging, we can find a way to bring back a stronger sense of self-esteem and self-confidence. Yes, aging does not have to mean being bitter or feeling old. By getting a stronger sense of who we are and by loving what we have done in the previous years, we can recapture some of that happiness and passion for life.
Tip 5 - Optimize Your Calorie Consumption
Finally, many people find that by embracing aging they can also be healthier and fitter. As we get older, we often burn more calories than we use. This is why many people find themselves becoming overweight or even obese. By embracing aging, we can reduce the amount of calories we take in and can thus lead a more healthy lifestyle. In addition, as we age, the muscle tone of our body also decreases and so can the flexibility.
So, while we should try out everything we can to avoid getting older, we also need to embrace aging and try out new things as we do so. We should try out yoga, exercise, meditation - just to name a few. And we should try out a variety of things to keep our body young and healthy and energetic. After all, staying active is a key to living longer and healthier lives. So, in conclusion, while aging might be an inevitable fact of life, we don't have to embrace it and feel bad about it.